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Shoppacart + All in Kit


Your Shoppacart experience reimagined

Shoppacart is the new way to do your shopping. Imagine simply stocking your Shoppacart, putting it in the car boot and taking it home. No bags, no wasted time, just pure convenience.

Shoppacart + All in Kit comes with the Shoppacart, cup holder, smartphone holder, handbag hook and 4×4 kit.

Your personal shopping cart
Shoppacart is so versatile that it can be adapted to all vehicles, regardless of height, width and shape.
Shoppacart + All in Kit comes with the Shoppacart, cup holder, smartphone holder, handbag hook and 4×4 kit.
Dimensions unfolded:
  • Height: 140 cm
  • Length: 98 cm
  • Width 45 cm
  • Volume: 100 l
Dimensions folded:
  • Height: 41 cm
  • Length: 90 cm
  • Width 59 cm